Understanding Diabetes

Understanding Diabetes

The way people with diabetes deal with their condition depends a lot on the support they receive from their family and friends. The love and care you provide the persons with diabetes can have a powerful effect on the way they deal with their disease.

If someone you know has diabetes, it means that his/her body cannot use food properly. To understand diabetes, we need to know how our body uses food. Our body turns the food that we eat into glucose (simple sugar), amino acids and fatty acids + glycerol.

There are mainly 2 types of diabetes, i.e. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes involve the absence of insulin and Type 2 diabetes on the other hand involves "insulin insufficiency" or insulin resistance. Uncontrolled diabetes may lead to debilitating or life threatening complications.

Ways to ensure tight blood glucose control

For those with diabetes, it is important to closely monitor your blood glucose level. Diabetes is a long-term and complex condition. Keeping blood glucose levels in check allows people with diabetes to feel better and enjoy better quality of life. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  • staying active and having enough exercise
  • taking prescribed medication
  • eating healthily
  • self-monitoring of blood glucose

Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels will help both yourself and your healthcare professionals to better manage your diabetes and prevent the development of complications. People with diabetes may complain that constant testing is inconvenient and may prove painful. Thankfully with modern medical development, there are devices which are easier to use and less painful.

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