Grain and pulses are among our oldest and
most natural foods. Millions of years ago, Man the Hunter augmented
meager flesh supplies with the seeds of grasses and podded plants, and
later began to cultivate these plants around their primitive homes. In
more recent history, families were glad of food which could be dried and
stored to use during the hard winter months when fresh food was not
available. Housewives found that dried beans and peas kept well and
could be made into tasty soups and stews to provide nourishment and
variety in the days before canning and freezing of fruit and vegetables
became commonplace.
Medical evidence has shown that we need
plenty of fiber and must avoid excessive animal fats, so that cereals
and pulses are again being recognized as useful and attractive foods.
Pulses and grains can form a complete meal, for they complement each
other to produce complete protein requirements (pulses alone are rich
sources of protein, but mixed with cereal grains are a total substitute
for animal protein).
Cooking times for grains - Forget
about pressure cookers and all the complicated, convoluted recipes you
have have read for cooking grains. All you really need is a big pot with
a tight-fitting lid, a pinch of salt, and a few cups of water. Rinse
grains just before cooking, then combine about one part grain with two
to four parts water - depending on the grain - in a heavy pan. Add a
pinch of unrefined sea salt, boil the grain for 5-10 minutes, lower the
heat, and cover and simmer for 20-40 minutes. Most grains may also be
soaked to shorten the cooking time or toasted first to enhance their
natural nutty flavor. Cook extra for quick leftover meals and second-day
salads and try combining longer-cooking grains, like barley and wild
rice, or shorter-cooking grains, like millet and quinoa for an
interesting combination of textures and tastes.
More Grain Recipes
