Ragout of Peppers Recipe

Ragoût of Peppers (piperade à la basque) Recipes

Ingredients :

1 onion

3 peppers

6 tomatoes

2 cloves garlic

1/2 oz lard

branch of thyme

salt, pepper

4 slices fried gammon (optional)

4 fried eggs (optional)

Method :

Peel and chop the onions. De-seed and slice the peppers. De-seed and quarter the tomatoes. Fry the onions and crushed garlic in the lard over a high heat, then add the peppers. Fry these together for a few minutes, stirring all the time, then add the tomatoes, thyme and seasoning. Continue cooking and stirring for about 5 minutes.

To make the dish more substantial, lay slices of fried gammon on the piperade and top with fried eggs.

Serves 4

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