Red Onion Galettes Cooking Recipe

Red Onion Galettes Cooking Recipes

Ingredients :

60 - 75 ml

500 g


30 ml

225 g

15 ml



olive oil

red onions, sliced

garlic clove, crushed

chopped fresh mixed herbs, such as thyme, parsley and basil

ready made puff pastry

sun dried tomato paste

thyme sprigs, to garnish

black pepper

Method :
  1. Heat 30 ml of the oil in a pan and add the onions and garlic.
  2. Cover and cook gently for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft but not browned.
  3. Stir in the herbs.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220oC/425oF/Gas 7.
  5. Divide the pastry into four equal pieces and roll out each one to a 15 cm or 6 in round.
  6. Flute the edges and prick all over with a fork.
  7. Place on baking sheets and chill for 10 minutes.
  8. Mix 15 ml of the remaining olive oil with the sun dried tomato paste and brush over the centers of the rounds, leaving a 1 cm or 1/2 in border.
  9. Spread the onion mixture over the pastry rounds and grind over plenty of pepper.
  10. Drizzle over a little more oil, then bake for about 15 minutes, until the pastry is crisp and golden.
  11. Serve hot, garnished with thyme sprigs.

Serves 4

Note :

Red onions have a wonderful mild flavor don't tempted to substitute Spanish style onions.

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